Center of the Angels Songs

“…Lamb of God, Savior to all…”

This song is all about the names of Jesus. There is most always something very significant about names in Scripture. John (whose name means “grace”) introduces Jesus (whose name means “I AM Salvation”) as, “the lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.”

The first, and arguably the most important of the Jewish feasts, was Passover. Historically, Passover marked the anniversary of when God’s chosen people were protected from the angel of death. This death angel was sent as God’s final plague against all the firstborn of Egypt before Israel was freed from their brutal slavery. He “passed over” those homes that applied the blood of a lamb to the doorposts of the house as instructed by the LORD. The lamb was then eaten by the family along with unleavened bread.

Israel was told to commemorate this day year after year. Every year each family would bring a spotless lamb to the priest in Jerusalem and the head of the family would place their hands on the lamb. The sins of the family would pass to the lamb and the lambs innocence (righteousness) would pass to the worshipper. A wonderful exchange happened. The lamb was then slaughtered for those sins. By doing this they were tangibly expressing their faith and so receiving God’s forgiveness for that year.

lamb of godEnter Jesus. “Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” When Jesus went on that cross it was as if the whole world, every human who ever existed, was placing their hands on Jesus transferring all our sins to him. He became guilty of all our evil thoughts and words and deeds. The Lamb of God was then slaughtered for our sins.

But it doesn’t just stop there. To all who are willing to receive God’s gift of righteousness, all believers in Jesus, actually become as righteous as Jesus! Because of Jesus we stand holy and blameless and pure in the presence of our holy Papa God. Amazing!

“…how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!” Romans 5:17 NIV

But sadly, all too often people insist on standing in their own righteousness instead of receiving this gift. I know I did. For years I tried to earn grace, to win God’s approval by my own efforts. My ego wasn’t invited to the grace party and I would not stand for that. And so I did as the Scripture says many religious people do. I did not submit to the righteousness of God but tried to establish my own.

Paul writes about his fellow Jews who stumbled over this point:

“Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved. I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal. For they don’t understand God’s way of making people right with himself. Refusing to accept God’s way, they cling to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law. For Christ has already accomplished the purpose for which the law was given. As a result, all who believe in him are made right with God.” Romans 10:1-4 NLT

I have experienced what it is like to live dependent on my own righteousness. A severe depression plagued me for seven years before God released me and brought me back to simply trusting Jesus. God has taught me about Grace and the righteousness we receive by faith (by simply believing). Now I am blessed beyond words, even though I am far… I was about to say “far from perfect”, but how can this be when I possess the perfection of Jesus and am the Father’s Beloved? Is it really true or not? Does our faltering experience dictate truth or does the Living God? This is the conundrum and scandal of grace. I am reminded of a proverb, “The righteous falls seven times but gets back up again.”

Have you applied the blood of Jesus to the doorpost of your life? Do you trust Jesus and him alone, the One who is salvation, to be your savior?

“Jesus, Thank you for taking our sins upon yourself at that cross. Thanks you for the gift of righteousness and abundance of grace you extend to us. We receive it and believe it. We thank you that we stand in the Father God’s Presence forgiven, cleansed, and spotless ALL because of Jesus. We don’t rely on our own efforts or performance any more but submit our pride, our ego, before your cross and we come to you.”

Sing Along!


Center of the Angels Songs

Wonderful, Counselor,
Almighty God, Prince of Peace
Son of man, Son of God,
Word of Life, We fall to our knees…
Declaring you are the…


Center of the angels songs,
From age to age your praise,
Rings throughout the heavens and earth

Lamb of God, Savior to all
Humble King, Emmanuel
Morning Star, Light of the world,
Eternal One, Shine on us now!
For You are the…


Center of the angels songs,
From age to age your praise,
Rings throughout the heavens and earth

Wonderful, Counselor,
Almighty God, Prince of Peace

Words and music © 2008 Daniel and Catherine Lovett, Reflect Worship Music

Struggle with Depression? I've been there!

I wrote the song Redeemed after being comforted in my severe depression by the Psalm the song is based on. Psalm 107 describes some difficult situations people find or get themselves in and in each instance the people would cry out to God for help and God would answer them. In fact God says in his word that everyone who calls on him will be saved! That’s pretty awesome!

Here is a link to the studio version of this song: Psalm 107 on Bandcamp

Here is the song story and the song “Redeemed”:

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