Read the Bible in 90 days Challenge!

Over the past couple of months I read through the Bible – all 66 books in 66 days.  I cannot put into words how valuable this life changing experience has been! I wish I could share all the wonderful things I learned along the way! But no matter how much I wish I could share this experience with all of you, you must experience it for yourself.

This why I am challenging you in this new year to read the Bible! This time around I will be reading it with some friends in 90 days and discussing what we learn.

One friend asked me, “Is it a race that you read it so quickly? Did you even retain any of it?”

Of course getting through the Word of God is not a race but there really is something wonderful about reading through the Bible in a short time frame (though admittedly, 66 days is perhaps too fast). You start to see the big picture of this amazing redemption story that God is telling and inviting us all into.

The Holy Spirit is indispensable to the process, after all He is the author. With the Holy Spirit by your side as you read his word, He will highlight and underline things that you read. Life changing truth will jump off the page and speak to you. Only God, by His Spirit can bring true understanding to what we are reading. He often challenges us to repent and become the loving people he always intended us to be. We can, by his grace, truly change for the better. He is the one who changes us.

Prior to my 66 days through the Bible, I had been frustrated with myself over how much I had been ignoring and avoiding the word of God. If the Bible is a book divinely inspired (authored) by our Creator and Savior, then shouldn’t we all be desperate to know God and learn what he has to say?

In this new year, let’s dive into God’s Word and read for ourselves what God wants to say to us. Let’s get to know God and to love God with everything we’ve got in this new year!

Here are links to a couple of reading plans for the new year:

Here is where I’ll be blogging about my experience through the Bible in 90 days. sign up for email updates at this blog:

Thanks for listening!
