My favorite part of our song Holy is Your Name and the prayer Jesus taught us to pray is when we ask that heaven come invade this earth. It’s what we all desperately need. “May your kingdom come, may your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Our song translates that last line:
“Make this world below, like your heavenly home!”
May we invite heaven to rule and reign in our hearts and homes each and every day. We can tell you that as we sincerely pray this then we will begin to experience and feel the change. Heaven moves in and hell is pushed out. Life suddenly starts to make sense and we begin to have a “flow” that wasn’t there before. Our priorities change from self-centered materialistic pursuits to heavenly godly pursuits. We become more interested in loving our neighbors, seeing marriages restored, and inviting people to come to know and love Jesus in a personal relationship over having or doing the next… well, whatever it is this world foolishly pursues (1 Jn 2:16).
Heaven reigning in our hearts means we choose to “be holy as he is holy“. We do this by staying fully surrendered to God and by maintaining a clean conscience before God and others. We now live holy (wholly devoted) lives like Jesus so that our loving heavenly Papa can use us as his instruments to bring heaven to earth… just like Jesus did.
Jesus modeled the Christian life for us. He was the most “normal Christian” to ever walk the planet. He showed us how to daily manifest heaven on earth by “doing what he saw the Father doing” and by “speaking only what the Father gave him to say“. He told us that we, as his followers, will do what he did and that we will do even greater works because he is now with the Father. Do we believe him?
Having heaven reign in and through us means having LOVE reign, and who wouldn’t want that?
And so, to our loving heavenly Papa, we pray with all the saints and angels of heaven:
“Our Father in heaven,
may your name be kept holy.
May your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
Give us today the food we need,
and forgive us our sins,
as we have forgiven those who sin against us.
And don’t let us yield to temptation,
but rescue us from the evil one.” ~ Jesus (Matt 6:9-13 NLT)
Please enjoy and share this really fun version of the Lord’s Prayer.
More About This Song:
It is wonderfully exciting to be able to share this song with you! It turned out better than we could have hoped. We wrote this in our car as we drove with our two little girls for a family outing to Bay Beach in Green Bay, WI. We are honestly thrilled now to hear what it has become!
A huge THANK YOU goes out to some of the talented musicians who contributed to the song:
- Esther who provided the creative backing vocal
- Sam who laid down some really cool drums
- Mike who played the fabulous bass
- Catherine on piano and main vocal, and finally
- Daniel on the ukulele and vocal
In case you missed the few other song previews we have released, here are a few links to videos and song stories to some of our new songs we are really excited about!